A Global Commitment to Safer Healthcare
2023-09-05 Pressure Ulcer

International Patient Safety Day 2023: A Global Commitment to Safer Healthcare

Every year, the 17th of September, the world comes together to observe International Patient Safety Day. This day is coordinated to raise awareness about patient safety and promote actions to improve healthcare safety worldwide. Organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), International Patient Safety Day 2023, aims to raise awareness, promote best practices, and encourage collaboration among healthcare professionals, patients, and policymakers.

The Importance of Patient Safety

Each year, the day focuses on a specific theme to address critical aspects of patient safety, and this year, the theme is “Engaging Patients for Patient Safety.”

Patient safety is a paramount concern in healthcare, as errors and preventable harm can have devastating consequences for individuals and their families. The WHO recognizes that involving patients as partners in their own care is a fundamental step in ensuring the safety and quality of healthcare services. “Engaging Patients for Patient Safety” highlights the pivotal role patients play in safeguarding their health during medical treatment.

A shared responsibility

International Patient Safety Day is a reminder that patient safety is a shared responsibility. It calls upon healthcare organizations, professionals, patients, and policymakers to work together to create a safer healthcare environment for all. By raising awareness and advocating for equitable access to safe care, we can make significant strides in reducing medical errors and ensuring that every patient receives the high-quality, safe healthcare they deserve. Join the global commitment on this important day and throughout the year.

Deficiencies in patient safety have serious consequences

In our modern world, we achieve good medical results, but injuries in healthcare still occur. Deficiencies in patient safety have serious consequences, resulting in increased suffering for patients and higher costs. Pressure ulcers/injuries constitute a significant portion of these injuries. Sweden alone, accounting for over 10 percent of all healthcare-related injuries in the country(1). To ensure that no one must experience a healthcare-related injury, strategic and long-term efforts are required at all levels of the healthcare system.

Our mission – to reduce unnecessary suffering

At Care of Sweden, our mission has always been to reduce unnecessary suffering, in our work towards a world without pressure ulcers/injuries. Pressure ulcers/injuries lead to extreme suffering for those affected, and it is our utmost priority to ensure, as far as possible, that these injuries never occur. Therefore, it is of immense significance for us to elevate this important day in order to lend our support, with the aim of raising awareness about the critical importance of patient safety.

You can find further information about Patient Safety Day at WHO’s website.

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(1) Trycksår – Patientsäkerhet (