Pressure Injuries

What is a pressure injuries and how do they occur?

Pressure injuries are one of the most common healthcare injuries and cause a great deal of suffering to those affected. Caring for people with pressure injuries represents a challenge to the health service in the shape of increased time and costs.

Most pressure injuries can be prevented by early identification and the implementation of selective medical and nursing measures. Such measures can include, for example, movement, pressure equalization, pressure relief, and positioning. 

We have knowledge about pressure injuries, for both healthcare professionals who work with patients and decision-makers who need information on resource optimization and health economics. 

Read more about pressure injury etiology

To prevent pressure injuries

Understanding the underlying causes of a pressure injuries is an important part of taking appropriate steps to prevent an injury from occurring. A pressure injurie is an injury to the skin or underlying tissue(1) that occurs as a result of cell deformation and/or ischemia(2).

Read more about prevention

Used mattresses can create suffering and increased costs

The purpose of a mattress inventory is to shed light on the status of the mattress stock and to create an action plan on how the handling of mattresses should be planned. By conducting regular mattress inventories, you can plan purchases and services in order for the organization to efficiently plan its operations

Read more about mattress auditing

Patient in hospital

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Juvo and Care of Sweden have a longstanding and significant history, reflecting their close association. Kindly approach your regional distributor for further details.

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  1. Socialstyrelsen – Trycksår (2022) Hämtad 230426
  2. European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline. The international Guideline. Emily Haesler (Ed.). EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA: 2019